Recognizing Supporters of NYLS

Thank You

Contributions from alumni and friends help NYLS stay at the forefront of today’s cutting-edge legal issues, provide career-changing scholarships for our students, and facilitate important scholarly work by our accomplished faculty members.

We are tremendously grateful to those who have provided gifts in 2018 thus far. Their names are listed in our 2018 Honor Roll of Donors. 

There's still time to add your name to the list. Make a gift today, and we'll recognize you in the final Honor Roll at the end of the year. Giving is quick and easy at, and you may direct your gift to a program or activity that is meaningful to you.

Thank you for helping us create opportunities for the next generation of leaders.

Editor's Note: The list below covers January 1, 2018 to July 31, 2018. View the most recent list.

Diane and Arthur N. Abbey '59 Dr. Faried Abrahams Kenneth Acks Carmen Acosta '91 Dr. Hamid Adib Karen L. Aduba '77 Kathleen O. Ahlers AKRF, Inc. Najmul M. Alam '93 Vincent Alfieri '80 Steven W. Allen '79 Aréal R. Allen-Stewart '14 Claire Altman Christian Y. Alvarez '14 American Arbitration Association Tony Andriotis Alan I. Annex '87 Prof. Deborah Archer Jennifer C. Argabright '00 Hon. Quentin F. Atherley '81 Ayco Charitable Foundation Ashley L. Babrisky '16 Alisha Bacchus '14 Louis Bailey Nan Baldwin Garrett B. Baldwin '15 George W. A. Bartholomew '14 Sidney Baumgarten '60 Meggin E. Bednarczyk James Beitchman Frank Bello Stephan Benedict The Benevity Community Impact Fund Prof. Lenni B. Benson Thomas Bergdall Andrea Berger Andrew S. Berkman Brad L. Berman '83 Suzanne M. Bettis '14 Addya Bhowmick '13 Joann B. Birle '90 Michael Bisogna Prof. Robert I. Blecker Darren S. Bloch '04 BNY Mellon Community Partnership Assistant Dean Erin F. Bond '08 Glenn Borin Janet Bottiglieri Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bottiglieri Lisa M. Brandquist '13 Leah D. Braukman '13 Eric Brettschneider Elizabeth C. Briand '11 Robert M. Brill E. Drew Britcher '84 Dave R. Britton '87 Arline Bronzaft Associate Dean Camille Broussard Prof. Terryl Brown Alesha S. Brown '12 Heather E. Brownlie '94 Prof. Charlane O. Brown-Wyands '92 Joseph F. Bruno Lois A. Burke '76 Prof. Kirk D. Burkhalter '04 Roza Bychok '15 Perry A. Cacace '79 Elizabeth A. Candido Petite '10 Gregory J. Cannata '77 Capacity Benefits Group William Capune Dr. Vincent A. Carbonell '00 Virginia R. Carreno '06 Kaitlin Caruso Catherine M. Cassidy '03 Carrie Anne Cavallo '99 Jeanette Cepeda '14 Prof. David Chang John White Charles S. Fields Charitable Trust James Charne '79 Charter Communications Capt. Charles Chavez Jo Chen Renee R. '79 and Hon. Roy O. Chernus '78 Mary Ann Chiulli Blanche Lark Christerson '86 Regina Chung John P. Clare '12 Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP James W. Clune '92 Cristina Cobb '93 Steve M. Cohen '13 David M. Cohen '86 Berwin Cohen '99 Adele H. Cohen '87 Arthur B. Cohn '66 Bruce M. Cohn '83 Bruce A. Colbath '85 Deborah Colelli Judith Collins Comcast Corporation D. Scott Conchar '83 Michael P. Coneys '81 Gerald Conroy Fatmata B. Conteh '16 Barbara A. and David S. Cook '73 Kevin R. Corbett '03 Frederick E. Coveler '73 Thomas Crane Gerald C. Crotty '76 Elizabeth R. Crotty '07 Dean Anthony W. Crowell Alicia J. Cullen '09 Patrick B. Curran '80 John A. Curry '96 Ruth C. Curtis '94 Jason S. Cygielman '06 Elizabeth Dambriunas '85 Richard J. D'Amico '95 Teresa Davies '94 Julia Davis Tyler J. Davis '13 Doralyn De Dios Joseph DeBlase '14 George K. DeHaven '81 Tyler G. Deieso '15 Roy W. Deitchman '83 Walter A. Denby '77 Harold Derienzo '89 Parul P. Desai '00 Kaitlin '13 and Brian J. Descovich '12 Mark Diller Alex Dimitrief Robert R. DiVita '80 Curtis F. Doebbler '89 Catherine Draper Michael Dressler Jisha V. '03 and Seth A. Dymond '03 Assistant Dean Victoria Eastus Alexander L. Eaton '16 Herman Edelman '56 The Edward D. Jones & Company Foundation Hon. Cenceria P. Edwards '94 Lev J. Ekster '09 Prof. Stephen J. Ellmann Ellucian Company L.P. James E. Emory, Jr. '88 Floyd R. Engelhardt '98 Prof. David Epstein Zeynep Ertem John E. Estes '95 Mark Evangelista Expedia, Inc. Marcy S. '78 and John V. Fabiani Jr. '76 Fabiani Cohen & Hall, LLP Sean Farrow '16 Fashion Center DMA, INC. Larry S. Feigenbaum '87 Neal Feivelson '96 Emilio Fernandez '94 Fidelity Investments Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Francis J. Fields III '84 Judith Fields Jurney '79 David J. Fier '80 Antonio Figueroa Adrianna M. Finger '17 Dr. Robert W. Finley Kristina L. Fischer Lindsay K. Flora '08 Erin L. Flynn '92 Susan J. Flynn-Hollander '85 Anthony Fong '14 Thomas J. Fori '67 Pamela O. Foster '00 Sonji Foy John Franco Lori Franco John L. Franco Sr. Michaelle Francois Prof. Kris L. Franklin Emily J. Freeborn '13 Robert A. Freeman '55 Gary D. Friedman '85 Shani R. Friedman '01 Sonja D. Fritts '95 and Michael A. Griffin '97 Allan Fromberg Fund for the City of New York Eduardo E. Galvan '00 Mari J. Galvin '95 Aldo Gasperin '73 Patricia Gatling Abbey J. Gauger '17 Kimberly Gay '17 Linda Genereux Lauren George Patrick D. Geraghty '95 Edmund E. Gibbs '87 Andrew K. Gichuru '13 Dionne R. Gill '98 Rose Gill Hearn Mark Ginsberg Gary Giordano Brian B. Glenn '69 David Goldin Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Sherry Gonzalez Hon. Nathan W. Gordon '57 Dr. Howard Gould Annmarie Grant Anna M. Grant '01 David Green '63 Linda S. Green '04 Greenberg Traurig, LLP Francis Greenburger Ebony C. Griffith '15 Vice President Marcey L. Grigsby '06 Alan M. Grosman '65 Paul N. Gruber '84 Guidepost Solutions LLC Charles M. Guria '86 Gary Hack Kent Haggas Jasmine Hahn '98 Jeffrey W. Halbreich '66 Janet M. Halecky '93 Myrna Hall Stuart A. Hammerman '68 Christine M. Hanisco '00 Sarah T. Hansel '13 Lana Franks and Steven R. Harber '92 Drexel B. Harris '85 George Hayes HCK Recreation, Inc. Alyssa J. Held-Honig '94 Leah A. Henry '17 Mary G. Herms '12 and Ryan Marshall Yvonne N. Hernandez '98 Capt. Heather M. Hicks '13 Robert G. Hicks '82 Susan M. Hinkson '98 George Hirschhorn '69 Ilana G. Hochman '14 Paul T. Hofmann '81 Jeremy E. F. Hollander '05 Lena Holubnyczyj '05 Assistant Dean Oral Hope Mona Houck '04 Laurie H. Hutzler '79 Petal M. Hwang '13 Hyman J. & Florence Hammerman Family Foundation IBI Gruzen Samton IBI Group IBM International Foundation Steven M. Interrante '13 Brien S. Jacobsen '91 Lisa M. James '15 Prof. Sandra Janin '75 Agnieszka A. '02 and William Jannace '92 Eric W. Janson '81 Jewish Communal Fund Edward J. Johnsen '86 Susanna H. Johnston '87 Linda Jones Kevin Jones Robert Joseph Jenifer Joyce '90 Robert Kahan '65 Frank S. Kalamajka '95 Patrick J. Kane '80 Ned Kassman '96 Brian '04 and Molly Kaszuba Roman Katz '11 David Katzman Richard Katzman Jesse L. Kearney '14 Christopher D. Kelley '81 Ra'Shaun J. Kelley '12 Ashley A. Kerr '15 Patricia J. Key '78 Armen E. Khajetoorian '10 Judith W. Kimmel '93 Riki L. King '06 Vice President Stuart A. Klein Kevin M. Koel '05 Carl Koerner Richard L. Koral '78 John E. Kosa '10 Richard Koski '80 Otto J. Kostbar '80 James A. Krauskopf Jack Krauskopf Caroline Kretz Martin S. Krezalek '08 Timothy J. Krieg '14
Jay Kriegel Alix F. Kucker '87 Adam G. Kurtz '88 Alice La Brie Mark B. Lakin '08 Richard M. Landman '88 Erik W. Lane '15 Associate Dean William P. LaPiana and Sebastian Gluck Allan G. Larson '14 Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lattig Charles D. Lavine '72 John H. Law Law Office of Matthew R. Smalls, PLLC Law Firm of Najmul M. Alam LLC Patricia Lawrence '81 Dr. Victor J. Lawrence Scott R. Layman '00 Kerri N. Lechtrecker '92 Judith A. Lee '81 Alan Leibowitz '74 Heather K. Leifer '04 Philip Lentz Prof. Arthur S. Leonard Leslie N. Leutwiler '16 Meryl R. Lieberman '81 Margaret T. Ling '83 Jack T. Linn Lamont H. Littlejohn '94 Ariana Lo Giudice '14 Cary L. London '09 Demosthenes M. Long '91 Thomas Lopez-Pierre Stephen Louis Barbara J. Lovelace Garafalo '06 Cecilia Loving Anthony H. Lowenberg '00 Helena A. Lynch '05 Robert P. Macina '80 Daniel J. Magney '13 Laura Maloney '01 Hon. Joseph J. Maltese '73 Donald Manasse '77 The Marc Haas Foundation Frank P. Marino '71 Kevin Marrazzo '81 Paul B. Marrow '69 Prof. Richard D. Marsico and Jean M. Brescia John L. Mascialino '95 Mary M. Mastropaolo '88 David Mateen Alessio Matera '53 Nikiforos Mathews Joseph M. McBride '87 Patricia L. McCandless '92 Stephanie R. McCavitt '92 Jeannie R. McCloskey Bradley M. McCormick '09 Terence McCormick Daniel G. McDermott '75 Raymond McDermott McGuire Woods LLP Timothy J. McIlwain '95 Horton D. McKinney '15 John D. McMahon '76 Alissa McWilliams Ryan Medler James Meier Barbie Melendez Susan Mendik Jeremy Mereness '06 Dr. and Mrs. Irwin R. Merkatz Thomas Merrill Raymond J. Messina '64 Colleen M. Meyer '80 Philip J. Michaels '76 John A. Michalski '15 Microsoft U.S. Public Sector Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Tyear Middleton '12 Celeste Dowicz Miller '81 Joanna Mintzer Michael A. Miranda '86 Mississippi Cable Telecommunications Association Yelda Moers '03 Dean Mohs Nicole Montalette '64 Lawrence C. Montle '13 Allyson and Emerson Spencer Moore II '99 Robert Moore Dominic A. Morelli Jacalyn N. Brecher and Ross F. Moskowitz '84 Anthony Motley Luisa (Julie) G. Muniz '97 Ellen Murphy Mutual of America Foundation Stephen J. Nahley '97 Diane M. Nardi '00 Timothy Cummings Nash Jr. '14 National Cable & Telecommunications Association Martin Needelman The New York Bar Foundation New Yorkers For Parks Glenn Newman Dante A. Nicolello '14 Valerie Niosi '74 Jeffrey A. Nirenstein '77 Emanuel Nisan '11 Russell A. Nobles '76 Michael F. O'Connell '08 Joseph J. Odierno '65 The Odierno Law Firm Raymond A. O'Hara III '80 Danielle L. Olverd '13 Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe  LLP Sondah Ouattara '13 Niloufar Pajoohi '96 Zoe Panarites '94 Ronald Papa Elena Paraskevas-Thadani Jody A. Pariante Lyndon J. Parker '72 Michael D. Patrick Sherbune Paul Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP Carolyn Pawlik '14 Pennsylvania Lumbermens Group James Periconi Stephen G. Perih '12 Prof. F. Peter Phillips '87 Paul L. Porretta '95 Bonnie Porzio Carole Post Hon. Richard L. Price '64 Thomas H. Prol '01 Proskauer Rose LLP Thomas Purcell '75 Denise L. Quarles '89 Heather Quick Yvonne Quintian Charles C. Radcliffe '80 Norman J. Radow '81 Laura E. Rainoff '86 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Raisig Yvette Y. Chang-Rampertab '95 and Victor Rampertab '94 Hon. Dakota Ramseur '97 Ian Rasmussen Jennifer D. Raviele '08 Christa H. '79 and John J. Reddy Jr. '79 Neil E. Reichenberg '76 Hon. Eleanor, C. Reid '98 Jonathan M. Reinstein '13 Marvin Reiskin Michael Rhee Shana S. '15 and Michael D. '14 Ricchiuto Adam I. Rich '12 Glenn S. Richards '85 William L. Richards '15 Denise Richardson Mr. and Mrs. David Ridge George Riesco Andrew K. Ritter '85 The Robert & Carolyn Jones Fund Diane Robertson '01 Jorge L. Rodriguez '12 Prof. Michael H. Roffer '83 and Susan C. Lerner Steven Romalewski Ashley L. Rose '12 David A. Rosenberg '13 The Rosenkranz Foundation Allison Rosenzweig '13 David Rothenberg Reed Rubey Hanna Rubin '13 Pasqualino Russo Tonino Sacco '90 Mary E. C. Sach '84 Joan Salzman Christina M. '85 and Steven P. Sanabria '85 Jenny Sandler Josie Sandler Philip Sands '68 Michael J. Santorelli '05 Anthony Santucci Jeffrey L. Sapir '65 Tracy E. Sargent '97 Maris C. Sattely '92 Thomas J. Schiro '14 Howard Schlesinger Paul R. Schneier '84Alan J. Schnurman '71 Brian E. Schrader '98 Sandra Schubert Schwab Charitable Fund Keith Schwam Susan Schwartz Philip C. Segal '73 Elizabeth Segal Jay S. Seltzer '79 Steven L. Seltzer '96 Francine L. Semaya '82 Elizabeth Shampnoi Stanley S. Shuman Arnold L. Silberman '85 Isabelle Silverman Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP Kevin Slakas Matthew R. Smalls '04 Jeff Smithline Hon. Martin M. Solomon '75 Hon. Stanley J. Somer '69 Somer & Heller, LLP Christopher H. Sommer '95 Michael Song '96 Karen S. Sonn '90 Jeffrey E. Soukup '80 Patricia and Walter South Polly Spain Shantal D. Sparks '13 Edward I. Speer '68 Alexandra C. Spina '17 Carey B. '05 and Jared B. '05 Spitalnick Frank A. St. Jacques '11 Peter D. Steckelman '93 Lewis M. Steel '63 Susan J. Steiger '81 Helen F. Stein R. Bruce Steinert Steven S. Stern '74 David H. Sternlieb '88 William S. Sterns III '77 Hilton H. Stothers '11 Michael Strasser John C. Stratakis Neva D. Strom '91 Edith T. Sullivan '78 John J. Sweeney '93 Michael S. Taddei '17 Hon. Melvyn Tanenbaum '57 John R. Tatulli '04 Errol B. Taylor '87 Alexis M. Taylor-Granados '03 Tennessee Cable Telecommunications Association Jeffrey Thames Themis Bar Review Pamela A. Theodoredis '95 Erika Thomas Chaeri K. Tornay '07 Rosa P. Tragni '91 Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP Alan Treffeisen James A. Tricarico Jr. '77 Alexander A. Truitt '14 Philip Tugendrajch Michael Twomey '14 Kohsei Ugumori '06 Jennifer Ujimoto Daniel Ursomanno '17 D. Gregory Valenza '92 Frederic D. Van Arnam Jr. '87 Johnny T. Vasser Jr. '11 Alex Vitale Martha L. Voelz '09 Jessica L. Voto '13 Cyrus Wadia Elizabeth Walker Owen G. Wallace '98 James P. Wallin '83 Jennifer N. Wang '14 Eugene A. Ward '84 The Warner Fund Inc. Donna J. '92 and Andrew M. Wasserman '92 Clifford R. Wasserman '75 Scott A. Weiner '78 Frances and Donald Welcome Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Kathryn Werner Hon. Charles Wertheimer '97 Sophie White Judge Marc J. Whiten '84 Henry J. Widmaier Zygmunt Wilf '74 Wilf Family Foundations Miakel Williams Lorraine E. Williams '15 Fred R. Wistow '77 Valerie Y. '04 and Raymond H. Wong '87 Brian K. Wormley '95 Jason L. Wyatt '10 Alice M. Youngbar '02 Your Cause Alan Z. Yudkowsky '90 Karl M. Zielaznicki '87 Lee G. Zimet '85 Derek Zimmerman '03 Derryl Zimmerman '97 Daniel R. Zirker '75